These Headphones Changed My Health - and My Life
If someone had told me a year ago that a pair of headphones would change my health - and as a result, my life - I would have rolled my eyes. But that’s what I’m telling you, and I hope you believe me.

Get The Inside Scoop!
There’s so much information that I know now that I wish I could have learned 30 years ago. Since I can’t go back in time, the next best thing is to spread this knowledge around so that other peoples’ journeys can be a little easier than mine has been.
In the few weeks that I’ve been sharing my health journey, tips, and resources on Instagram and TikTok, I’ve been thoroughly delighted at the response. I’ve heard from so many people about how the tips I’ve shared have already impacted their lives, and that the resources and knowledge have blown their minds. I cannot adequately express how fulfilling it is to know that the information I’m sharing is helping people.

Breathing and Carbon Dioxide Tolerance
I always thought that breathing was simple. Oxygen goes in as fuel, carbon dioxide goes out as waste. The more oxygen and the less carbon dioxide, the better, right? Well, it turns out that carbon dioxide actually plays an important role in absorbing oxygen. We can raise our tolerance to carbon dioxide and improve our overall health via simple breathwork practices.